- Rotary™ pipe cutters cold cut large diameter steel, most stainless steel, ductile, and cast iron pipe in close quarters. The low profile design of the LCRC models needs only 5 in clearance for up to 16 in pipe diameter and only 8 in clearance for the RC20 and RC24 which cover pipe up to 24 in. All LCRC, RC20, and RC24 cutters are supplied with a slip-on handle that is used to turn the cutter around the pipe in one direction. The handle is also used to tighten the cutter every half revolution. For large diameter pipe, move up to the RC30, RC36, or RC42S cutters which need 11.8 in clearance. They feature a long handle with a ratcheting mechanism and include a separate, professional-grade wrench to tighten the cutter at every half revolution. Rotary pipe cutters are the best manual cutters for ductile iron and a great option for steel pipe. With good leverage from the tool's long handle, pipe snaps off squarely before wheel penetrates halfway through pipe. Rotary pipe cutters have heavy-duty frames. All sizes use the same cutter wheels: either RCS8-36 for steel and RCI8-30 for ductile and cast iron. Optional RCX wheels cut up to 25/32 in wall thickness for steel pipe. Note: RC42S cannot be converted to or from an RC30 or RC36. They are separate tools.