Polywater® Prelube 2000™ P-35 Type P Non-Foaming Cable Blowing Lubricant, 1 qt Squeeze Bottle, Liquid Form, White, 1
MFG Part#P-35
Polywater® Prelube 2000™ P-35 Type P Non-Foaming Cable Blowing Lubricant, 1 qt Squeeze Bottle, Liquid Form, White, 1
MFG Part#P-35
- Polywater® Prelube 2000™ reduces frictional drag during the blowing of outside plant fiber optic cable into duct. It increases the distance cable can be installed in a continuous length. Prelube 2000™ can also be used to blow in empty micro-ducts for future micro-cable installation. Use Prelube 5000™ for blowing the micro-cables; see related products on the sidebar. When cable blowing, the cable stops moving when the frictional force resisting movement equals the blowing force producing movement. The maximum blowing distance varies linearly with friction coefficient in straight conduit sections. The friction reduction shown for Prelube 2000™ can increase installation distance by a factor of 5 or more versus unlubricated duct.