Guy Gray™ 82688 Recessed Dialysis Supply and Waste Box, 16 ga 316 Stainless Steel, Import
Guy Gray™ 82688 Recessed Dialysis Supply and Waste Box, 16 ga 316 Stainless Steel, Import
- From the original, Guy Gray™ heavy-duty brand of Recessed Outlet Boxes comes the new line of Dialysis Boxes. This series of boxes, when supplied with valves, is designed specifically for reverse osmosis and deionized water mixed with dialysate saline concentrate. These sturdy boxes are built from 316 stainless steel preventing corrosion, are available with stainless steel or PVC valves, and contain a 2 in waste outlet. Available configurations include: no valves, one valve or two supply valves, with and without a locking door. Two adjustable, stainless steel mounting flanges are supplied for easy securement of box to wall and eliminates the need to build supports.