- Polywater® Type RP™ Rapid Power medium voltage cable cleaner evaporates quickly without the health and safety issues of other volatile cable cleaners. Type RP™ is packaged several ways to make cleaning and maintenance safer and easier. The Pel-Pac™ single wipes are lint free and saturated with the optimal amount of solvent for the job. The RP-1L wipes easily fit into tool bags, nose bags and splicer tool buckets. Pre-packaged wipes ensure the use of a lint free towel, limit the solvent exposure, eliminate waste and properly prep the cable. Using too much solvent to clean cables can result in pooling of the solvent, potentially causing tracking failure. The RP-16 aerosol is best suited for cleaning busbars, transformer oils, switchgear, meters, electric motors and other degreasing needs. Type RP™ contains no chemicals that are suspected, listed or known carcinogens.